Many people think that building the bigger chest requires going to the gym or using equipment. There are, in fact, many exercises that you can do at home/outside without weights any equipment – your own body weight is your equipment. Building chest muscles doesn’t have to be complicated, so let’s get back to the basics with these 5 bodyweight exercises that will give…
Contributing Writer How many of you body builders out there enjoy your eggs? Good, as a matter of fact that s great, keep it up and continue to read on because you may very well be on the road to increasing your egg intake and thus increasing your muscle mass. But what about all you muscle heads out there that are neglecting eggs because of the taste or simple because…
You may think you need an expensive gym membership or fancy equipment to build muscle and workout effectively, but results are possible just by using your own body weight. With that in mind, here are six exercises that will have you building muscle and looking great in no time — sans equipment: 1. Running or walking (All illustrations: shna/Shutterstock) No expensive…
It s 1997. I m 300 pounds. Every day I push my mom s coffee table out of the way, press Play on the VHS player, and sweat (buckets) to the oldies. It would be years before feeling well or caring for myself even showed up on my goal-dar (it s like GAY-dar, but with aspirations!). I wasn t exercising to get stronger, feel better, or live longer. I was 17, I was fat…
When people say they want to learn to eat healthily, it’s often for one (or more) of the following reasons: Losing weight Gaining muscle Getting healthier Those are all good reasons, and in fact I’ve done all three (usually two at once). Let’s take a look at how the Mindful Diet and healthy eating can be used to further these goals. Losing Weight If you’ve gained…
Mikolette / Getty Images When you think about the best type of workouts for weight loss, your mind might not immediately jump to strength training, but it should. While it’s definitely true that cardio workouts get your heart working harder and as a result, help your body burn calories, strength training is what’s really going to give your weight-loss goals that extra…
Cardio workouts play a crucial part in any fitness program. They help to lower blood pressure, boost your mood, and reduce your risk of heart disease, among plenty of other benefits. But, if your main goal is losing weight, you may be wondering exactly what type of cardio is best and how it works at targeting fat. Maybe you’ve heard that high-intensity interval training…
What Is Muscle + Types of Muscle Everyone has two different types of muscle: type 1 (slow-twitch) fibers and type 2 (fast-twitch) fibers. Slow- twitch fibers control endurance. They re what you use for activities like running long distances and low-impact aerobic workouts like Zumba,says Michele Olson, Ph.D., professor of exercise science at Auburn University Montgomery…
I’ve been writing about diet and fitness since 2001. I’ve written countless articles about how to gain muscle, and countless articles about how to lose fat. But, if there is one question I still get asked more than anything else, it’s definitely this… How do I gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? I must get this question emailed to me at least once per day by…
Related: RIPTENSITY: Fast Bodyweight Workouts From Men’s Health That Are So Intense, They Rip Away Body Fat! Half of the subjects lifted heavy weights—75 to 90 percent of their one-rep maximums for each exercise, lifting to failure, which usually meant they performed 8 to 12 reps per set. The other half, however, lifted only 30 to 50 percent of their one-rep maxes…
It s never too late to start a bone-healthy exercise program, even if you already have osteoporosis. You may worry that being active means you re more likely to fall and break a bone. But the opposite is true. A regular, properly designed exercise program may actually help prevent falls and fractures. That s because exercise strengthens bones and muscles and improves…
Here s your fix: Follow these 10 principles to pack on as much as a pound of size. Maximize Muscle Building The more protein your body stores—in a process called protein synthesis—the larger your muscles grow. But your body is constantly draining its protein reserves for other uses—making hormones, for instance. The result is less protein available for muscle building…
Researchers at McMaster University have uncovered significant new evidence in the quest for the elusive goal of gaining muscle and losing fat, an oft-debated problem for those trying to manage their weight, control their calories and balance their protein consumption. Scientists have found that it is possible to achieve both, and quickly, but it isn t easy. For the…
It doesn t take a gym membership or even a set of dumbbells to work your abdominal and chest muscles. In fact, it doesn t even take separate exercises. A number of movements work both the abs and the pecs at the same time without requiring anything more than your body weight. A smart fitness move is one that requires more than one muscle group, such as the plank…