Lose weight and build muscle diet plan
As strange as it may sound, there is a way of mimicking the effects of anabolic steroids by implementing a few secrets of anabolic nutrition. I call this the 'MuscleHack Anabolic Nutritional Strategy' (MANS).
I'm not saying that you'll see the same gains as a roidhead, you won't. No natural diet will replicate the effects of anabolic steroids. However, your results will far surpass anything you are currently experiencing, and that's a promise! In the next 15-20 minutes I will introduce you to the nutritional strategy that will revolutionize your bodybuilding life.
You can make these gains in muscle without the correlating gains in fat! Yep, you really can build new slabs of muscle with very little or no fat. Those with great genetics can actually find the holy-grail of bodybuilding as they build muscle and lose fat at the same time.
Friends, I have no interest in hyperbole or bullsh!t; this nutritional strategy works. It took me years to find it, implement it correctly and reap the rewards. I had to find out for myself how to build lean muscle mass like never before while keeping fat accumulation at bay. It was well worth the effort though.
So if it's the best bodybuilding diet in existence, why isn't it more widely known? The big supplement companies and rag-magazines would go out of business quickly if they couldn't peddle their snake-oil to you. If the general public were more nutrition-savvy, they'd cr@p themselves! I doubt very much they'd go out of their way to make the public aware of it.
This article lays these secrets bare for you to learn. Implement this process wisely and I promise you will make muscle gains like never before.
Please note that this method takes planning and commitment but it is well worth it! Also please make sure your workouts are up to par by implementing a well thought out training plan.
Why This Bodybuilding Diet Is The Best
This diet will naturally maximize your body's production of the following anabolic hormones:
Sounds good doesn't it? You will also have controlled insulin spikes which allows the body to have high levels of growth hormone and insulin at the same time! This does not usually happen and you'll see extremely impressive muscle gains as a result.
What Causes Muscle Growth?
Ok, apart from the actual exercise itself, what is the driver of muscle hypertrophy? We've been told over and over again that it's excess calories; you must eat more calories than you expend to encourage muscle growth. I'm going to hypothesize something a little controversial. Calories are also an effect, not just a cause.
Think of a growing child. Are we to assume that vertical growth is caused by excess calories? I think the release of growth hormone is what makes a child grow. Increased growth hormone then causes the child to eat more. I think we have causality round the wrong way here.
The traditional advice from bodybuilding gurus is to eat everything in sight to increase muscle size. They usually recommend high carb diets laden with oats, protein shakes with fruit, wholemeal bread, potato, rice (I don't care if it's white or brown) etc. Worse still, they often recommend a low-fat diet!
Hey, I thought you were trying to grow some serious muscle? If so, you're gonna want to keep the fat intake up. If I'm right, then what we want to devise is a nutritional strategy that ignites the release of anabolic hormones. In turn then, these hormones will let us know when and how much to eat.
How? By getting hungry - just like a growing child does. See how causality has been reversed? It's no longer...
Excess Calories = Muscle Growth
It's now...
Don't get me wrong, sufficient calories are required to build muscle, but it's important to understand the chain of causality. Calorie consumption isn't something you need to labor over which will cripple your life. Let your body dictate your food intake. The best calorie-counter is your stomach: when you're hungry - eat; when you're not - don't eat.
Breakdown Of This Bodybuilding Diet
This plan requires that you eat a high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate diet for 5 and a half days. Then for 36 hours you carb-up. The high protein, high fat part of the diet is what sparks the increase in blood serum levels.
Fat Adaptation
As you will be keeping your carbohydrate level low for most of the week, your body will become a fat-burning machine. At the beginning of the diet your body will undergo a 'metabolic shift' and start to burn fat as its primary source of energy.
This can take as little as 2 days and up to 14 days for some people. However, the vast majority of you will have become fat-adapted by the end of your first 5 and a half days. The advantages of this are:
- Increased lipolysis (breakdown of fat)
- Decreased lipogenesis (production of fat)
- Decreased catabolism (muscle protein is spared from breakdown)
Insulin Isn't Your Enemy
Regular low-carb dieters want to avoid spikes in insulin levels but for the bodybuilder, a controlled spike will do you a world of good. You'll use a 32-36 hour window (I use the weekends for this) to deliberately cause an insulin spike.