Lose Weight


Exercises for non weight bearing leg
June 2, 2017

Exercises for non weight bearing leg

A Non-Weight Bearing Workout you can safely use to stay fit when recovering from a foot injury, ankle injury, physical limitation, surgery, or disability. Stay fit and positive with this exercise routine that includes cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training for a total body workout. Check out my Full “Hurt Foot Fitness” Program here. Which includes…

Build muscle without weights at home
April 24, 2017

Build muscle without weights at home

Feeling the effects of the economy? Have too little time to hit the gym — or too few bucks to join one? Here, then, is some guidance on how to build muscle without an expensive weight set or gym membership, and all from the comfort of home. Most people who want serious muscle gain — bodybuilders and powerlifters — pump iron to achieve results. If your goal is…

Building muscle using body weight
April 27, 2017

Building muscle using body weight

If you’ve ever watched the Olympic games, you’ve probably seen some unbelievable feats of athleticism and mental strength, and some pretty impressive physiques. Personally, I’ve been really inspired. The sprinters, both male and female, jump out to me – lean, muscular bodies with extremely well-developed glutes. And how about the male gymnasts? Those guys have…

Build muscle gain weight
December 10, 2021

Build muscle gain weight

If you ve ever started an exercise program to lose weight only to find your weight actually going up, you re not alone. That change in the scale doesn t necessarily mean you re doing anything wrong, nor does it mean you re going in the wrong direction. There can be some obvious and not-so-obvious reasons you re gaining weight. Are You Really Gaining Fat? Your…

Lose weight and build lean muscle
June 29, 2017

Lose weight and build lean muscle

Women can gain lean muscle mass and lose weight by incorporating a consistent and comprehensive exercise program into their regular regime. Although the results may come slower for women, implementing cardiovascular exercise and weight training, along with eating healthy, will result in increases in muscle mass and decreases in body fat. To gain lean muscle…

build muscle before losing fat
August 19, 2017

build muscle before losing fat

After reading this post you’ll understand the difference between weight loss & fat loss, but also which one you should aim for and how. Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss. What’s the difference? Let’s start by defining weight loss & fat loss so you know what I mean here. Weight Loss. You want to lower your body-weight, the sum weight of your bones, muscles, organs…

Lose weight and build muscle diet
December 28, 2022

Lose weight and build muscle diet

To build a bigger and leaner physique, bodybuilders and average guys alike often turn to the same strategy: eating everything in sight, or “bulking, ” and then burning fat, or “cutting, ” by reducing calories and eating cleaner to reveal the new muscle beneath. It works, but it takes time and can cause you long-term damage on a cellular level—and it can make…

Build muscle lose fat for women
December 28, 2022

Build muscle lose fat for women

While it can be super tricky, accomplishing both of these seemingly contradictory goals at the same time is doable. These tips will help you crack the code. Fuel Right A major part of reaching both of these goals is your diet, says Keri Gans, R.D.N., author of . “What I tell someone when they’re wanting to build muscle and lose weight at the same time is more…

Best body weight exercises for building muscle
December 26, 2022

Best body weight exercises for building muscle

One of the questions I get on a regular basis is “Travis, can I set up my bodyweight workout for mass?” My answer is always, “YES it’s possible, but it’s TOUGH.” However, when it comes to building mass with bodyweight training it’s all about progression and if you want to get yourself stronger, faster, and in this case, BIGGER, you’ve got to force your body to…